Actress Aditi Rao Hydari has taken up on a new role, and will make her singing debut in GV Prakash starrer 'Jail'. Prakash took to his Twitter account to announce the news. Posting a picture of them, he wrote, “Super happy to announce that the super talented Aditi will be singing her debut Tamil song, a duet, 'Kaaththodu', in my music for Vasantha Balan sir's 'Jail'. Can't wait for you guys to hear it.”
Aditi also tweeted on her song and wrote, “Recorded my first song in Tamil. Butterflies in my tummy. Thank you for trusting me with such a pretty song and guiding me through so smoothly.” 'Jail' marks the comeback of Vasanthabalan and stars Abarnathi of 'Enga Veetu Maapillai' fame in the female lead. Sources said the movie is based on slum rehabilitation. Produced by Krikes Cine Creations, Jail will have music scored by GV Prakash himself.
On the work front, Aditi is currently working on Telugu film 'Antariksham 9000 KMPH' and Tamil film 'Psycho'.