Actress Malavika Mohanan recently posted her picture on Instagram wearing Denim shorts and a sleeveless top. Soon after that, many people started moral policing, asking her to dress properly and also received many derogatory comments. Not being a person who bows down to abuse and hatred, she lashed back at her trollers by posting another photo from the same shoot. This was accompanied by a caption that read:
"So many comments and opinions about how “a respectable girl should dress.” On that note, here, take one more picture of me sitting very respectably wearing whatever the hell I want to wear:)."
Malavika is a popular actress who has predominantly acted in Malayalam films. The actress made her Tamil debut with director Karthik Subbaraj's 'Petta', which went on to become a blockbuster. The film starred Superstar Rajinikanth, Simran, Trisha, Vijay Sethupathi, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Sasikumar, Sananth and others playing crucial roles.