Grammy award winning music composer, AR Rahman, has been roped in to compose music for actor Vikram's next Tamil film which is tentatively titled 'Vikram 58'. Makers of the movie welcomed Rahman on board with a special poster of the movie. The first look poster was unveiled back in May and featured Vikram in multiple avatars. Reports suggest the actor plays a photographer in the film to be directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu.
Scheduled to go on the floors in August, the film is being produced by Seven Scene Studio with Viacom 18 Studios. The team intends to release the movie in April 2020. They released a statement saying, "This film will be a Pan-Indian project catering to Tamil, Hindi and Telugu audience. It will be produced on a massive scale in association with Viacom 18 Motion Pictures. The cast and technicians will have big names from several industries collaborating for this film."
Gnanmuthu spoke about the new project, and said, "The only thing I can divulge right now is that Vikram's role will be a challenging one. Of course, he has always taken up challenging roles but I think this one will be better than all of those."