After gaining positive reviews from fans and critics alike, for his performance as a villain in Ilayathalapathy Vijay's 'Bairavaa', Daniel Balaji has two new promising projects in his kitty. While one is Gaurav Narayanan's 'Ippadai Vellum', starring Udhayanidhi Stalin and Manjima Mohan in lead roles, the other is lead villain in Selva's 'Vanangamudi' featuring Arvind Swamy, Ritika Singh, and Nandita Shweta.
Balaji confirmed the news, stating that he will play a stylish villain in the film, as opposed to his recent outings. With Arvind Swamy setting new standards for the stylish and suave villain in Tamil cinema with 'Thani Oruvan' and 'Bogan', it should be interesting to see how Balaji handles the challenge.