The bigger, the better, seems to be ace director Mani Ratnam's motto. After reports of leading stars Simbu, Vijay Sethupathi, and Jyothika joining his upcoming massive multi-starrer, it has been recently heard that the film will supposedly have four heroes and four heroines. While the male leads have been confirmed to be Arvind Swami, Simbu, Vijay Sethupathi, and Fahad Fassil, auditions are on for two female leads while, Jyothika and Aishwarya Rajesh remain confirmed.
Music for the film will be given by AR Rahman and Santosh Sivan will handle the cinematography. Thrilled to be part of the project, 'Vada Chennai' actress Aishwarya said, “Yes, I am doing the film and I am very excited to be a part of it. I have said this in several interviews too, that I wanted to work with him (Mani). Finally, my dream has come true.” She added, “I am not allowed to reveal any details about the film. All I can say is this will be completely different from Mani Sir's previous films. I am happy I got this offer at this stage in my career.”