Kamal Haasan’s mega-budget venture 'Vishwaroopam 2' has performed pretty well in its opening weekend at the overseas box office. The espionage thriller performed exceptionally well in the markets of USA, Australia and Norway. In thew domestic market, the film has taken a fair start at the box office pan India considering the buzz around it. The Hindi version of 'Vishwaroop II' is presented by blockbuster director Rohit Shetty and it also stars Shekhar Kapur, Waheeda Rehman, Rahul Bose, Pooja Kumar, Andrea Jeremiah, Jaideep Ahlawat, Nasser, Anant Mahadevan, Yusuf Hussain and Rajendra Gupta in pivotal roles. It is written and directed by Kamal Haasan.
Since the film has received mixed reviews, it would be diffiult for the film to remain steady at the box office. Film critic Urmimala Banerjee gave the film two stars and said, “For someone who does not know how espionage actually operates, 'Vishwaroopam 2' is fairly engaging stuff. The London portion has a bit of history infused in it, which is genuinely interesting. However, the film is flat and fails to excite as much as we hoped it would.”