Teaser of Vetri Maaran's upcoming film 'Vada Chennai' that features Dhanush in the lead along with Aishwarya Rajesh and Andrea Jeremiah released recently on Dhanush's birthday, and boy has it spread like wildfire! The teaser hit 5 million views in just 4 days and is also trending number 1 on Youtube. Around 1.8 Lakh people have liked the song on the website. The film boasts of an ivy league cast that includes Samuthirakani, Ameer, Daniel Balaji, Radha Ravi, and Karunas among others.
Bankrolled by Dhanush himself under his Wunderbar Studios banner, the movie is rendered music by Santosh Narayanan and, Velraj is the Director of Photography. Given Dhanush's keen eye for projects, expectations for the movie has certainly touched the skies. 'Vada Chennai' will be a film that will delve deep into the North Madras region of Chennai.