Dhanush's 'The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir' has won an award at the Norwegian International Film Festival. Director of the international project directed, Ken Scott tweeted the exciting news. He wrote, “The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir won the prize “Ray of Sunshine” at the Norwegian International Film Festival! The topic of human dignity is front and centre in every vibrant frame of this picture, the jury stated in their deliberation.”
Earlier in Paris, not only the movie, but also Dhanush received an excellent response at a premiere show. Inspired by the novel, 'The Extraordinary Journey of The Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe', the film begins in Mumbai and tells the story of Ajatashatru, played by Dhanush, who sets on a mission to find his missing father. His search takes him to places like Paris, Spain, Rome, and Libya.