With 20 years in the industry, superstar Suriya has become one of the biggest names in Kollywood. In an interview, he revealed that Vignesh Shivan's 'Thaanaa Serndha Koottam' (TSK) reminded him of his early days in the industry. “With every profession, we learn as we go. As we learn, we tend to mature. After twenty years, I agreed to this film because of the way Vignesh Shivan writes. It took me back to my younger days. Something about Vignesh is very fresh, and it will be seen on screen in this film,” Suriya said.
Based on a true incident- the Opera House heist of 1987, the film has a strong ensemble cast involving Ramya Krishnan, Senthil, and Karthik, along with others. “While 'Special 26' was based on the same incident, there is a lot more background and emotional conundrums woven in. This is another take of that incident,” Suriya said. The actor said that each of his co-stars has a meaty role in the film. “Nobody can replace Karthi sir. Directors even today mention him when they narrate a love scene. Watching him perform is like watching a film- his command over the craft is flawless. You don't even know when he prepares. I have a long list of people to talk about,” he said.
The film will also release in Telugu as 'Gang', and Suriya has dubbed for it himself. “I loved dubbing for myself in Telugu. It took me only 6 days as I completely enjoyed voicing for my parts. I now know how Karthi learnt Telugu quickly- it is mainly due to dubbing. Since it is my first film there might be traces of Tamil, but I will keep improving to perfect it,” he said.