Actor Samantha Akkineni has described Suriya-starrer 'Soorarai Pottru' as the film of the year, showering praises on the actor. Taking to Twitter to appreciate the film, she wrote, “Film of the year #SooraraiPottru. What a gem. @Suriya_offl #SudhaKongara @Aparnabala2 @PrimeVideoIN. Outstanding. Just the inspiration I needed (sic)”.
Directed by Sudha Kongara, the film is based on the life of Captain GR Gopinath – founder of the budget airline Air Deccan. The movie marks Suriya’s maiden collaboration with a female director, and features Aparna Balamurali, Paresh Rawal and veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu in crucial roles. The film released on Amazon Prime in October and garnered a lot of praise, even from Captain Gopinath himself even though he called it “heavily fictionalized”.