A sequel to Prabhu Solomon's 'Kumki' has been announced after a gap of six years. The second installment will feature fresh face Mathiyazhagan as the lead hero. Also part of the cast will be actors like RJ Balaji, Susanne, Thiruselvam of 'Kolangal' fame, and Hareesh Peradi has been roped in as the antagonist. The title character will be played by a specially trained elephant, Unnikrishnan.
'Kumki 2' will have cinematography by Sukumar, music by Nivas K Prasanna, and editing by Bhuvan Srinivasan. Makers have already begun to shoot, and the filming is currently progressing in Siva Samudhiram Falls near Mysore. 'Kumki ' is the only next Tamil film after MGR's 'Idhayakani', to have scenes shot in that location. Director Solomon said that the team is yet to zero in on the female lead, and they are just shooting scenes involving the hero and the elephant. An official announcement on the film's heroine is expected to be made very soon.