Rajinikanth-starrer 'Kaala' has released all over the country amid massive protests by pro-Kannada activists across Karnataka. Tamil Nadu however, could benefit with the release as fans queued up at theatres as early as 4 in the morning to catch the first show. Just like with every other Rajini film, 'Kaala' too witnessed bursting of crackers, milk abhishekham and other other fanfare. The movie was not released in Bengaluru. One distributor Kanakapura Srinivas said that the film had not released anywhere in Bengaluru and there were attempts to release the film in B and C Centres. He said Rajini was being updated of all the developments on the front and he was upset with what was happening in the state.
“There is a possibility that Rajinikanth might come to Bengaluru and talk to people concerned appealing them to make way for the film's release,” he said. Several organisations and people related to the Kannada film industry have been opposing the film's release in protest against statements made by Thalaivar on the Cauvery water sharing issue. Rajini, who recently entered politics, urged the Centre to constitute the Cauvery Water Management Board in April. He had warned that failure to do so would earn the Centre the wrath of Tamil Nadu.
Several cinema halls in Karnataka, where it was to be screened, refused to show the film, leaving diehard fans of the Tamil superstar disappointed. Despite the Karnataka High Court's order directing the State government to take adequate steps to ensure a peaceful atmosphere for the screening of the movie across, multiplexes in Bengaluru are undecided on showtimes.