Satellite and digital rights of Prabhu Deva's upcoming film 'Charlie Chaplin 2' have been bagged by Sun TV Network. The deal is reportedly worth Rs 2.75 Crore. Directed by Sakthi Chidambaram and produced by T Siva, under banner Amma Creations, shooting for the film has already begun.
The team also released the first single track from the film released on September 14. 'Chinna Machan' released on the internet and went viral within hours. Choreographer, director, and actor, Prabhu Deva seems to have had a good year, bagging films like 'Kalavaadiya Pozhuthugal', 'Gulaebaghavali', 'Mercury', 'Lakshmi'. He also has a handful of upcoming projects like 'Yung Mung Sung', 'Pon Maanickavael', 'Thael', and 'Khamoshi'.