Pawan Kalyan's 'Agnyaathavaasi' is off to a tremendous start as it entertained and impressed not only its Indian audience, but also those abroad. After premiering in 500 locations in the US on January 9, the film has reportedly started off with a bang. Not only did it make the 2nd highest opening after 'Baahubali 2', it also broke a couple of records. The film collected nearly $1.47 million on day one at the American box office. Industry tracker and trade analyst Ramesh Bala tweeted, “#Agnyaathavaasi is now all time 2nd highest premiere in North America after Baahubali2. If you consider only single language, it is No 1.”
The movie is Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram's third film together, and the former plays a software professional. It also stars Keerthy Suresh and Anu Emmanuel.