Genre: Romantic comedyDuration: 151 minutesSapna has been bought up by her three very different uncles and although they all wish for her to get married...
The film revolves around the love story of Rocky and Rani, as the title suggests, between a stereotypical flamboyant Punjabi boy who meets an intellectual Bengali girl under unusual circumstances. And love conquers all. But if only life was...
Ajeeb Dastans is an anthology of four short films and is produced by the super Producer/Director Karan Johar. The premise of the film is that each story will bring us a shocking and horrifying twist that we were not betting on.
Genre: Romantic comedyDuration: 151 minutesSapna has been bought up by her three very different uncles and although they all wish for her to get married...
Genre: DramaDuration: 93 minutes
Genre: American Superhero FilmDuration: 109 MinutesIn this latest superhero drama, Vin Diesel plays the role of Ray Garrison, who is killed and after being...
Duration: 143 minutesGenre: Action ThrillerBrothers have a strong bond, but the bond of Vikram and Ronnie goes back to their childhood where Ronnie would...
Genre: DramaDuration: 142 minutesThappad is a film about relationships, domestic violence, and social values. Amrita seems to have a simply blissful marriage...
Genre: Romantic ComedyDuration: 117 minsHomosexuality is still associated with stigma and prejudice in the South Asian societies- be it here in the UK...
Genre: Romantic DramaDuration: 141 minutesLove Aaj Kal 2 is a film that spans the timeless era of the 1990s and the urbane ‘friends with benefits’ culture...
Genre: Romantic Action ThrillerDuration: 135 minutesIt is passionate. It is all-consuming. It is the story of four lives exploring themselves, adventuring...
Genre: Dance FilmDuration: 146 minutes Street dancer 3D is based on two opposing dance teams, one from India which is led by Sahej played by Varun Dhawan...
Genre: Romantic ComedyDuration: 103 minutesJai Mummy Di is the story of two teenage love birds who are madly in love but pretend to be sworn enemies because...