Will Shivangi be able to save her father’s village

Monday 09th November 2020 04:20 EST

Genre: Horror film

Duration: 90 minutes

Kaali Khuhi means The Black Well and it revolves around a young 10-year-old girl who is taken from the City back to her father’s village when they receive news that her Grandma is not well. But once they arrive there the village is very dark and cold and there are rumors that a spirit has been killing people in the village.

The film starts on a rainy night where an elderly woman sees a young child and invites her in. The woman is attacked and paralyzed.

We then move to see a young girl looking into a well where she sees a reflection of a girl staring back at her. At this moment her mother pulls her back and drags her home. This young girl is Shivangi and her father has just received news that his mother has been attacked back in her village and isn’t very well. The family then pack up and head to the village.

This is where everything goes wrong. Shivangi meets another young girl who lives in the village and starts telling her that she doesn’t understand what is going on here. Shivangi also starts seeing a young girl ghost in her Grandmother’s house. Her grandmother finally wakes up and starts blaming he mother for giving birth to a girl and not aborting the baby. She then mysteriously dies after throwing up some black substance.

It soon becomes clear that this village has some very dark secrets that are now coming back to haunt them, and it falls on this young girl Shivangi’s shoulders to try and help the village from its past sins.

After watching the trailer of the film, I was fully expecting a total horror film that would scare me but actually the film didn’t have as many jumpy moments as expected. However, the film has been shot very well and has some very pivotal moments and scenes that will keep you wanting to watch more. The only downside of the film is that it is set to tackle the infanticide however it looks like the blame is all placed on women with very little blame on the men. The film also revolves around a very dominating female cast and only really one male figure.

Watch Kaali Khuhi to see if Shivangi is able to save the village from the darkness that looms over it. 

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