The film follows the life of the Maratha warrior Tanhaji Malusare (Ajay Devgn) who was the military leader and aide of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (Sharad Kelkar). The film focuses on the battle of Sinhagad in 1670 where Tanhaji takes on Udaybhan Singh Rathore, a Rajput warrior. Udaybhan is played by Saif Ali Khan.
Shivaji surrenders 23 forts to Aurangzeb under a Treaty and this included Kondhana, now Sinhagad. Rajmata Jijbai (Padmavati Rao) has sworn she will walk bare foot until the fort is recaptured by the Marathas. Some years pass and Aurangzeb (Luke Kenny) sends over Udaybhan and his army to make sure Shivaji does not go back on his word. Although, Shivaji is devising a plan he does not want to send his military leader Tanhaji as his son is getting married. However, Tanhaji finds out and begs to have the chance to get Kondhana back and it is wife Savitribai (Kajol) who turns out to be his main supporter. Tanhaji makes his way to battle and to beat the ghastly Udaybhan.
Devgn plays his role of Tanhaji really well and is patriotic throughout the film. But the person who definitely shines is Kajol who although, has a very limited screen time manages to make every minute count.
Khan has taken his role very seriously and this shows in his amazing performance, he brings his own tinge of humour whilst still coming across menacing and ruthless. Coupled with his sinister laugh Khan is able to deliver his character to the t.
Devgn has been on record to state that this is the first film in a new franchise named the Unsung Warriors. As part of the upcoming flicks, he is expected to play different war time warriors who have been forgotten about. It is also Devgn’s 100th film and it has been almost a decade since we saw him on screen with Kajol, a unique war drama to see them re-unite at.
But the movie for all its merits struggles with the pace. The script disappoints in terms of offering a quintessential war drama rhythm. Although, the movie is heavy on CGI but the director and cinematographers have created film faux pas in scenes where men are seen walking on walls parallel to the ground and ropes pulling them just by hanging off the sidewalls. But if you choose to leave your rationale at the parking lots with your car, then the movie makes for a good epic-drama infotainment.