At the trailer launch for the highly anticipated third season of "Mirzapur," actor and filmmaker Farhan Akhtar, who serves as the producer of the series, expressed his gratitude to the audience for their continuous support and love throughout...
“Do Aur Do Pyar'', is an upcoming Indian and romantic comedy film releasing on 19 April 2024. The film stars Vidya Balan, Pratik Gandhi, Ileana D'Cruz and Sendhil Ramamurthy. The film centres on Kavya and Ani, a married couple in their late...
Actor Kangana Ranaut took to Instagram recently to talk about being perceived as "badtameez (mannerless)" and talented at the same time by her colleagues, including filmmaker Hansal Mehta and actor Zeeshan Ayyub. She also compared herself with...
At the trailer launch for the highly anticipated third season of "Mirzapur," actor and filmmaker Farhan Akhtar, who serves as the producer of the series, expressed his gratitude to the audience for their continuous support and love throughout...
Apart from films, Bollywood celebrities earn significantly from brand endorsements. Ranveer Singh leads with a celebrity brand value of $203.1 million in 2023, according to Kroll’s Celebrity Brand Valuation Report. He endorses brands such as...
Longtime actor couple Sonakshi Sinha, 37, and Zaheer Iqbal, 35, declared "We are now man and wife" after a low-key civil marriage at Sonakshi's sea-facing Bandra West apartment. The ceremony was attended by close family and friends, with blessings...
Actor Sharvari has been receiving praise lately. Her recent film 'Munjya' has earned positive reviews from both audiences and critics.
Bollywood star Sunny Deol announced the sequel to "Border" on the 27th anniversary of the 1997 blockbuster. The makers describe the upcoming film as "India's biggest war film," to be directed by Anurag Singh, known for "Kesari" and the first...
Pashmina Roshan, Hrithik Roshan's cousin, is set to make her Bollywood debut with "Ishq Vishk Rebound." She recently revealed the reason behind her past struggles with depression and expressed her deep love for acting, which began on the sets...
Fardeen Khan is receiving widespread praise for his digital debut in the epic series "Heeramandi." This marks the actor's return to the screen after a 14-year hiatus. In a recent interview, Fardeen opened up about the trolling he faced due to...
In a recent interview, actor Taapsee Pannu discussed her marriage to badminton player and coach Mathias Boe. She revealed being "very impressed and in awe" of him when they first met, finding him a refreshing change from the usual people she...
Kartik Aaryan, promoting his upcoming film "Chandu Champion," discussed his brand endorsements. He admitted to appearing in a fairness cream ad years ago but ceased endorsing the brand upon realising its potential harm. Kartik also mentioned...
Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal have welcomed their baby daughter into the world. The actor made the joyful announcement on Instagram, referring to their newborn as 'Baby Dhawan'.