The highly anticipated prevue of Shah Rukh Khan's mega film, 'Jawan' has taken the internet by storm, upon its release on Monday, pushing the anticipation...
“Do Aur Do Pyar'', is an upcoming Indian and romantic comedy film releasing on 19 April 2024. The film stars Vidya Balan, Pratik Gandhi, Ileana D'Cruz and Sendhil Ramamurthy. The film centres on Kavya and Ani, a married couple in their late...
Actor Kangana Ranaut took to Instagram recently to talk about being perceived as "badtameez (mannerless)" and talented at the same time by her colleagues, including filmmaker Hansal Mehta and actor Zeeshan Ayyub. She also compared herself with...
The highly anticipated prevue of Shah Rukh Khan's mega film, 'Jawan' has taken the internet by storm, upon its release on Monday, pushing the anticipation...
Actor Ranbir Kapoor is not a “big fan” of Uorfi Javed’s sartorial choices. As a part of the promotion for his latest outing, ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar,’...
Actor Kareena Kapoor is on holiday with her family, exploring parts of Africa. She is keeping her fans posted on her trip with regular posts. The actor...
Filmmaker Karan Johar has penned a note on his mom Hire Johar’s 80th birthday. He dedicated some new and old pictures with his mom on Instagram and wrote...
Sonam Kapoor’s husband and businessman, Anand Ahuja, took to his Instagram handle and penned an appreciation note for the actor. On Mother’s Day, celebrated in March in the UK, Anand admitted his shortcomings and praised Sonam for her commitment...
Author Twinkle Khanna took to Instagram Reels over the weekend to share a glimpse of her new interview with well-known chef Sanjeev Kapoor. They discussed...
The Romantics on Netflix has made two things clear. One - Aditya Chopra is real. Two - The so-called A-list filmmakers of Bollywood have been having a...
Actor Shah Rukh Khan surprised his fans gathered outside his house ‘Mannat’ as he stepped out of his Mumbai home.
Akshay Kumar has unveiled the teaser of his upcoming song ‘Main Khiladi’ from the movie ‘Selfiee’.
Bollywood celebrities took to their social media accounts to praise Tennis “legend” Sania Mirza after she announced her final Grand Slam at Melbourne Park...