Based on real events, the film revolves around Amay Patnaik, a fearless Income Tax officer who carries out a non-stop raid at the mansion of Tauji, the...
“Do Aur Do Pyar'', is an upcoming Indian and romantic comedy film releasing on 19 April 2024. The film stars Vidya Balan, Pratik Gandhi, Ileana D'Cruz and Sendhil Ramamurthy. The film centres on Kavya and Ani, a married couple in their late...
Actor Kangana Ranaut took to Instagram recently to talk about being perceived as "badtameez (mannerless)" and talented at the same time by her colleagues, including filmmaker Hansal Mehta and actor Zeeshan Ayyub. She also compared herself with...
Based on real events, the film revolves around Amay Patnaik, a fearless Income Tax officer who carries out a non-stop raid at the mansion of Tauji, the...
Just because Priyanka Chopra stays out of the country, doesn't mean she is not in touch with her close friends back in B-town.
Shimla police has filed an FIR against veteran actor Jeetendra, based on a sexual abuse complaint filed by his cousin.
'Munnabhai' actor Sanjay Dutt was in for a surprise, when he received news informing him that a deceased fan has left him with her belongings.
Actress Lara Dutta Bhupathi is all set to create another mark in her glorious career of 15 years, with her own skincare range of products under brand name...
At an event organised by international cleft charity Smile Train in Mumbai, actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was emotionally choked as she spoke about her...
Following the special Memoriam Montage segment at the Academy Awards, artists of the Indian film industry expressed their gratitude for the special mention...
Bollywood actors are a talented bunch and have skills that would surprise you.
In a surprising and touching move, the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences (AMPAS) paid tributes to Indian stars Shashi Kapoor and Sridevi in the In...
An Indian Hindi-language erotic thriller film directed by Vishal Pandya and written by Sammeer Arora.