Sanjay and Maheep Kapoor’s daughter Shanaya has finally made her big acting debut. The budding actor showcased her skills in a commercial. Filmmaker Karan Johar shared the ad on his Instagram handle. He captioned it, “Oh my god, @shanayakapoor02! Your hair looks gorgeous. But are you sure you have seen a bowl of spaghetti before? Thank you for this gem @the_misfit_way!”
The advertisement is about a hair straightener, and features Shanaya eating handfuls of spaghetti straight out of the bowl. KJo’s post received mixed reviews, with several once again calling out nepotism within the industry.
Meanwhile, Sanjay Kapoor also shared the same commercial and wrote on his social media, “The shoot seems real fun @the_misfit_way! Love the way you devoured that bowl of pasta @shanayakapoor02. @maheepkapoor take notes.”
While Shanaya is yet to make an announcement about her Bollywood debut, it was earlier announced that she is represented by Karan Johar’s talent wing, Dharma Cornerstone Agency (DCA).