Actor Kriti Sanon expressed gratitude as she became the latest Bollywood celebrity to cross 50 million followers on Instagram. Taking to her social media, the 'Mimi' actor dropped a reel which she captioned, “As Mimi says ‘Fan following hai meri yahan par, haan!’ 50 MILLION Love and counting. . Love you guys!! #50MillionOnInsta.”
In the video, she shared various BTS videos of characters from 'Bareilly Ki Barfi', and 'Mimi' to 'Raabta'. In the video, she wrote, “Thank you for giving me so much love. . for loving me on screen and off screen too!. Keep Holding my hand. We have a long way to go. ”
With this, the 'Heropanti' actor became the latest Bollywood celeb to cross the 50 million margin on Instagram after Alia Bhatt, Shraddha Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Deepika Padukone, Jacqueline Fernandez and Priyanka Chopra.
The actor keeps her fans actively updated with her professional and personal life on the platform. From motivational workout videos, and ultrahot glam pictures to BTS pictures from sets, Kriti’s social media feed exudes positivity and is as real as it can get.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kriti has a massive and one of the best lineups of films ahead including the much-awaited pan-India film, 'Adipurush' opposite Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan, Ganapath alongside Tiger Shroff.
She also has 'Shehzada' with Kartik Aaryan, set to hit theatres on February 10, 2023, and a horror comedy 'Bhediya' opposite Varun Dhawan, along with Anurag Kashyap’s unannounced next.