'Life In A Metro' was a hit film of Anurag Basu. Now after 11 years, the director is planning to have a sequel to one of the best antholgy films that Bollywood has ever made. The sequel is under way, but Arjun Kaoor who played a pivotal role in the 2007 hit, has declined the offer. However, an industry source said that the 'Mubarakan' actor couldn’t take it up because the dates required for the filmmaker’s next were clashing with those already committed to 'Panipat.' So Arjun, who’ll be venturing into the Maratha historical, is said to have politely declined Basu’s movie.”
Earlier, it was rumoured that Ranbir Kapoor will part of the sequel. Given the bond Basu has with the actor, it was an obvious casting. A daily had quoted the filmmaker saying, “Ranbir is teaming up with me as a producer. Though I may want him to play a pivotal role in the film, I don’t know whether he would be interested. He will always have the first right of refusal.” The director had also confirmed that Irrfan Khan has committed to the sequel. Khan was one of the best characters from the original. “Irrfan is committed to the sequel. We haven’t worked together in years. In the last four-five years, we almost teamed up on two films, but they didn’t work out. So this time, we’re on, but it all depends on his health condition,” Basu had said.