Veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan recently posted a throwback photo of himself from the look test of his film 'Reshma Aur Shera', revealing the picture was clicked in 1969. Sharing the photo, he wrote, “my look test for the film “Reshma aur Shera” .. 1969 .. I actually got selected !” The photo received multiple comments from his fans and friends.
'Reshma Aur Shera' was a crime drama released in 1971. Bachchan played a supporting role of 'Chhotu' while his co-star Vinod Khanna played Vijay. The movie had Waheeda Rehman and Sunil Dutt in the titular roles. It went on to receive high critical acclaim from domestic and international critics, and was nominated for the Golden Bear at the 22nd Berlin International Film Festival. It was also selected as the Indian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 44th Academy Awards. 'Reshma Aur Sheru' won three National Awards. Waheeda received the National Award for Best Actor in the film.
Bachchan, in a subsequent blog post, thanked his fans for their support. He wrote, “. the smile of acceptance of my Ef .. when you accepted me , that was the day of reckoning for me .. you made me what I am today .. you spoke , you applauded, you confessed, you corrected me, you guided me on paths when I went wrong, you got annoyed with me, you scolded me, you complained to me, you showered me with endless love and affection. You did everything. And what did I do? I just sat back every night and at times early mornings to push a few tabs .. thats it … and all that you gave never ever compared with what I could give. you often said ..’what a wonderful family I have created’. no .. I created nothing .. you .. all of you .. designed and created this family .. gave it strength and presence and prayer and blessings and I live and survive with all that I have received.”
On the work front, Bachchan will be seen in 'Goodbye', a Vikas Bahl directorial, which will also star Rashmika Mandanna.