The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton has curated a list of 100 snapshots from for a Covid-19 lockdown photographic journey which is backed by Queen Elizabeth II. One of the snapshots from the final list is the Indian grandmothers and their love for their grandchildren. The picture titled ‘Dadi’s Love’ is a portrait by Simran Janjua which traces its roots to the Indian word for father’s mother - Dadi. The ‘Hold Still’ digital exhibition, featuring 100 portraits selected from 31,598 submissions from across the UK during the project’s six-week entry period since May, was launched this week by the National Portrait Gallery in London. Focussed on three core themes – Helpers and Heroes, Your New Normal and Acts of Kindness – the images present a unique record of shared and individual experiences during an extraordinary period of history, conveying humour and grief, creativity and kindness, tragedy and hope. During the virtual launch, the Queen said, “It was with great pleasure that I had the opportunity to look through a number of the portraits that made the final 100 images for the ‘Hold Still’ photography project. The Duchess of Cambridge and I were inspired to see how the photographs have captured the resilience of the British people at such a challenging time, whether that is through celebrating frontline workers, recognising community spirit or showing the efforts of individuals supporting those in need.”