An online animation course on the
“History of Anime: from manga to Miyazaki”
“Art for Introvert” is one of the biggest educational projects in Europe. Our main goal is to make art, psychology, and science understandable and accessible to everyone.
You will learn how Japanese animation was born thanks to black and white comic books and political agitation and has become wildly popular. We will immerse ourselves in this enormous anime industry and find what directors have brought anime such fame. You can listen to all the lectures one by one to get a full picture. But, of course, you can also start from the part that interests you most. You can
watch the course at your own pace. You have perpetual access to the entire course – and can return to it anytime.
Who is this course for?
Everyone interested in anime
Students and creative professionals
Everyone in the movie industry
What is the format of the course?
Full HD video format
High-quality sound
10 hours of the most useful information
Real emotions and charismatic lecturers
Presentation with detailed description and illustrations
Tests for self-assessment after each lecture
What will you learn?
MODULE 1: What is Anime? | 45 minutes
MODULE 2: The Birth of Anime | 45 minutes
MODULE 3: The Success of the 50s and 60s | 45 minutes
MODULE 4: The Classics of the 70s and 80s | 45 minutes
MODULE 5: Global Fame | 45 minutes
BONUS LECTURES: Anime. The Art of Japanese Animation | 2 hours
Hayao Miyazaki, the Gloomy Fairy-Tale Writer | 2 hours