Rakshabandhan celebrated with Armed Forces Hindu Network

Monday 27th August 2018 11:25 EDT

Gujarat Hindu Society hosted the Armed Forces Hindu Network Rakshabandhan celebrations at the centre on Tuesday 21 August

Over 80 people attended the event and Rakhi’s were tied to the members of Armed Forces Hindu Network by the GHS ladies & girls to mark the occasion. There was a cultural programme with beautiful classical, folk and Bollywood dances to celebrate the festival.

Honourable Mayor of Preston Councillor Trevor Hart was present. Shameer Mehta – Vice Chair of Armed Forces Network said that he found the organisation very inspiring and thanked the team for organising such a beautiful celebration.

President Ishwer Tailor said that the society is very proud of Armed Forces and are also proud that number of Hindus are engaged in various services in the Armed Forces.

There was also a presentation by the Armed Force on how they have embraced cultural values amongst different ethnic minorities within UK.

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