Raksha Bandhan celebrates brotherhood and love and is celebrated on the full moon in the month of Sravana in the lunar calendar. Traditionally, during the festival sisters tie a rakhi around their brothers' wrists to celebrate their relationship. Today the festival has developed with others joining in the festivities:
l Rakhis are often shared between close friends.
l Women tie rakhis around the wrists of the prime minister.
l Rakhis are tied around the wrists of soldiers.
It is believed that when a woman ties a rakhi around the hand of a man it becomes obligatory for him to honour his religious duty and protect her. Traditional stories state that rakhis are blessed with sacred verses and are encompassed by them.
Sometimes rakhis are consecrated in rice and grass before they are given, and they are traditionally tied by people familiar with the Vedas.
This festival has evolved over the years to encompass the importance of many people in Hindu society, yet foremost it continues to honour and uphold the relationship between a sister and brother.
This year it will be on Thursday 15 August.