London Mayor visits Hindu temple on their second anniversary

Tuesday 30th August 2016 11:09 EDT

Rt Hon Sadiq Khan, has been the first Muslim Mayor of London to visit Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Kingsbury as the guest of honour to mark the temple's second anniversary on Sunday 28th August 2016.

Addressing the packed Mandir, Mr Khan enthused, “The last time I came here I asked for your prayers and for your blessings to carry me through the election. And I’m pleased to be here as your Mayor today to thank you for your support and for those prayers and blessings. On that day, I promised that I would return here to welcome His Holiness to London and it gives me great joy to meet you, Bapa.” 

On that last visit, just before Mr Khan took office, he was particularly impressed with the Mandir’s eco-credentials. He once again noted, “We’re proud that this Mandir is known as the world’s first Eco temple - a beacon to the rest of the world and to the rest of London. I hope that through your inspiration, we’ll now have a wave of Eco Mandirs, Eco Guhdwaras, Eco Mosques, Eco Synagogues and Eco Churches in London.” 

The Mayor was led into the Mandir by the prestigious Shree Muktajeevan Swamibapa Pipe Band. He was personally greeted and welcomed by Acharya Swamishree Maharaj – the global spiritual leader of Maninagar Shree Swaminarayan Gadi Sansthan – who explained, “The reason that you have come to palace of Lord Shree Swaminarayan is your love towards God.” 

Fluent in Hindi, the Mayor heard Acharya Swamishree Maharaj explain the meaning of his name, “Sadiq means truthful or honest. The meaning of ‘sa’ ‘dik’ is ‘one who follows God’s direction’; Khan means ‘one who acts with dignity’. The Mayor’s name is completely apt.” 

The Mayor earlier had the chance to see the range of sports, educational, cultural and charitable activities of the Mandir and met many of its participants. He was extremely pleased that the Mandir was already delivering on several of his own policy pledges, such as those on health, fairness, skills and the environment. 

My Khan praised, “We’re proud of this community’s amazing work of service to others. This year alone, the community of the Mandir has raised money for St Luke’s Hospice and has held regular blood drives. To date, the total units of blood collected by the Mandir is over 1700 units. 

“And we’re proud of this Mandir’s great work with young people. Not only providing them with a range of activities, but demonstrating the values of your faith and how we can all be model citizens in this great city.” 

The Mayor applauded Acharya Swamishree Maharaj, “Your dedication to your faith, your service to so many people and your values of selflessness are an inspiration to me and to thousands of Londoners. And I’d like to tell you how immensely proud I am - and how proud London is - of the community here at Kingsbury Mandir.” 

Mayor was honoured with the unique Shree Swaminarayan Gadi paagh. This hand-tied turban is reserved for the most eminent leaders in society and recently adorned by Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi during his inauguration rally. In concluding his speech, the Mayor again paid homage to Acharya Swamishree Maharaj, “Bapa, thank you for gifting London with this generous community and for gifting London with this beautiful iconic Mandir - a Mandir that will not only serve this community, but communities across London for generations to come.”

photo courtesy: Suryakant Jadva.

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