Duncan Lewis Solicitors' Jaswinder Kalsi receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Tuesday 22nd November 2016 13:13 EST

On Saturday, 19th November 2016, Family & Child Care Solicitor Jaswinder Kalsi from legal 500 'Top Tier' firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors received the Society of Asian Lawyers’ Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Society of Asian Lawyers (SAL) aims to promote and develop the legal profession in the Asian community within the UK. SAL’s prestigious flagship event, the Annual Awards & Ball 2016 took place on Saturday 19th November 2016 in London. At the heart of this night there are four awards, the Lifetime Achievement Award, Criminal Lawyer 2016, Commercial/Civil Lawyer 2016 and the Rising Star Award, which are presented to individuals that have been recognised to have excelled in their chosen fields. Their independent judging panel included HHJ Pegden QC, HHJ Mithani QC and DJ Mason CBA and Duncan Lewis Solicitors’ Jaswinder Kalsi was selected as this year’s recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Jaswinder said of her award; “absolutely surprised, humbled and honoured. I have carried out over 20 years of Legal Aid work with the most vulnerable of our society. I first volunteered at the Southall Rights Law Centre which was a first of its kind and led campaigns against police brutality, anti-racism and National Front marches. I have been engaged Pro Bono work with CABs, voluntary advice line at the Rights of Women, advice clinics with Women’s Refuges and working closely with other charities. I have also assisted with organising fund raising with other local community groups and temples for victims of floods and food drives for SWAT, who provide food and clothing for the homeless. This work has been a part of my life as well as having been lucky in representing some ground breaking cases before the family courts”.

Jaswinder works in the Family department and is based in the firm’s Harrow office. She has over 20 years of experience as a Solicitor and has specialised in Family Law matters for 10 years.

Jaswinder was the founder of the Asian Women’s Lawyers Network and has throughout her career engaged in voluntary legal advice work with local CAB, Women's Group and the Rights of Women. Additionally, by being able to speak Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi, this has allowed her to help those in the Asian community that are unable to speak English. She continues to fund raise at the Sikh Temple and has previously taken part in charity functions including a Mount Snowdon Climb and annual food runs for a local homeless charity.  

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