In this article I will take the liberty of sharing with the readers my own experience of the Bhagwat Geeta. My objective in this is to encourage every Hindu to at least read the Geeta once in their life and a non Hindu to also read it and find answers to many of life’s questions.
I have by now distributed over 1000 copies of the Geeta . My favourite version of the Geeta is the one interpreted by Pujya Swami Sivananda and published by Sivananda Press, Durban, South Africa. I have read 3/4 other versions of the Geeta but found that this version in English is the most suitable version, particularly for an English reader. Many of the friends and relatives have asked for extra copies as they also found it impactful.
The editor and owner of Asian Voice, C B Patel was instrumental in my first step to Geetaji. He introduced me to the late Shri Balmukunbhai Parikh, latterly known as Swami Gitaprakashananda. My offices were in Oxford street in London and CB’s offices were in Shoreditch a few miles away. CB called me and said that he had asked Balmukundbhai to come and visit me. My impression was that Balmukundbhai might have needed some professional advice. Here he came. A man in his 80’s and with a permanent smile. We sat and exchanged niceties whilst I kept waiting to be asked a question. No question came but in the process when I asked him his background, he told me that he was an inspector of schools and a headmaster in Kenya and for around 11 years, he had lost his sight but later regained it. I was quite astonished. I asked him about how he spent his time and he said that he just worked to promote awareness of the Bhagwat Geeta. I was curious but felt the courage to admit that at my age of 40 I was ashamed that whilst I tried once to read the Geeta I found it very difficult to comprehend. He then said that he will give me a version that I will be able to read and understand. After a few days he came to my house for Ganesh puja and gave me the copy that I have preserved and read 50-60 times by now.
I believe the Universe brings messages and actions on whatever you sincerely desire. I had desired to read and understand Geeta. This coincided with a beautiful handwritten letter of blessings I received from late Shree Pramukh Swami Maharaj on my 40th. I desired and the Universe delivered all this to me. I urge you to desire to read and understand this epic scripture which was written over 5000 years but still has huge application today.
I read the Geeta everyday and always keep learning new things everytime. I understand that as we evolve over the years the same message of the Geeta brings new understanding to us.
I will always be a student of the Geeta and supplement this with the teachings of Pujya Bhupendrabhai Pandya who I regard to be a scholar of the Geeta. He has the unique quality of giving discourses in English, Gujarati and Hindi. I further supplement this with regular lectures from Sister Shivani of Bhramakumari. I owe all these Divine souls my deep gratitude as they have given me so much without expecting anything in return. This is the yog of karmic satwic actions.
The Geeta has brought a revolution to my life and has widened the limits to my spiritual understanding.
Subhash V Thakrar B Com, FCA, FRCA