Commonwealth Jewish Council announces multi-faith webinar

Wednesday 17th June 2020 15:18 EDT

On Monday 16th June, the Commonwealth Jewish Council (CJC) announced a multi-faith panel for a special “Faith in the Commonwealth” webinar. It is hosted in parallel to the Commonwealth Summit in Rwanda which was slated to be held around the same time but has now been postponed in the aftermath of coronavirus.

Senior faith leaders from around the Commonwealth are expected to lead the discussion on the role religions play in strengthening society around the Commonwealth. 

Some of the panellists include Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (UK), Rt Revd & Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Bishop of London (UK), Mgr. Antoine Kambanda, Archbishop of Kigali (Rwanda), Dr Chinmay Pandya, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya University (India) Professor Ebrahim Moosa, Mirza Family Professor of Islamic Thought & Muslim Societies, University of Notre Dame (South Africa/ USA) and Chair, Dr Joanna Newman MBE FRSA, Chief Executive and Secretary General, The Association of Commonwealth Universities, and advisor to the Commonwealth Jewish Council.

Speaking about the webinar, Clive Lawton OBE, CEO of the CJC said:

“We have planned an opportunity for all those who care about the Commonwealth - diplomats, politicians and the whole range of those involved in civil society - to consider the role that religious communities play in contemporary life throughout the 54 nations of the Commonwealth.

“We have drawn together a panel of religious leaders and thinkers from across a range of traditions to start our discussion, and anticipate a rich opportunity for people to share thoughts, explore ideas and focus, if only briefly, on the part that religious communities play in the lives of the Commonwealth's 2.4 billion citizens. Besides giving these issues a rare but important outing, we also hope to model the good that can be done by ever-increasing dialogue between our diverse communities and with the wider society in which we all find ourselves.”

To register for the webinar, please go to

Founded in 1982, the CJC is an umbrella organisation that connects over 35 Jewish communities around the Commonwealth with the wider Jewish world and its resources.

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