'No Outsiders': The fight between education, religion and mis-information

Wednesday 03rd July 2019 08:28 EDT

The Parkfield Primary School in Birmingham, recently became a focal point of high action and drama with protesting parents gathering outside the school as they opposed the “No Outsiders” project. The programme was aimed at teaching primary students about same-sex relationships through storybooks. However, some parents perceived that these lessons are in direct contravention of their “Islamic faith” and promoted “homosexuality”.

Recently, a High Court injunction has been in place to ban such protests, the months-long uprising has put the spotlight back on the minorities observing their religious values in a western society. While some Muslim minorities oppose a liberal education system, protests have erupted from other conservative elements of the society as well.

As a Pakistani Muslim I do often feel caught in the middle of two conflicting communities”

“As a Pakistani Muslim I do often feel caught in the middle of two conflicting communities. As much as inherent homophobia and transphobia exists within my community we must also recognise the inherent racism within LGBTQI community.

“Birmingham Pride was this city’s ultimate gesture of solidarity where 10,000 people marched in solidarity as Muslims and South Asians led the parade for the first time in the event’s 22-year history,” said Saima Razzaq, Co Chair, Supporting Education of Equality and Diversity in Schools (SEEDS).

SEEDS was founded by Ann Sawyer in response to these protests with the fundamental aim of ensuring unity between the protesting and the LGBT+ community members. Saima, who identifies herself as a Lesbian was at the forefront of the Pride Parade in Birmingham this year along with Khakan Qureshi, Founder, Finding A Voice and Andrew Moffat, teacher of Parkfield Primary School.

The 'No outsiders' project is the brainchild of Andrew Moffat, who wanted to teach children about the Equality Act 2010. While this project was piloted in 2014 and had been adopted by various schools, protests only erupted following a petition signed by a parent who claimed that the teaching contradicted “Islamic faiths”.

"Children at this age don't even know if they are coming or going, let alone knowing what sexual orientation they will become," Mariam Ahmed had said.

Interpretation of their religion and opposition from conservative Christians

But protests escalated outside various other schools including the Anderton Park Primary School in Balsall Heath. It is interesting to note that these protests are co-ordinated by Amir Ahmed, who himself does not have children at any of these schools and is simply following his religious beliefs.

“Ironically, Anderton does not even have the “No Outsiders” project but the complaint is that it is an attempt to challenge the use of LGBT+ curriculum and ideas in the school. The main fear for them is sex education but it is an attempt to educate about relationships,” said Sue Sanders, chair of Schools Out and Founder of LGBT History Month.

A recent investigation by BBC Newsnight had disclosed that schools across UK had received letters opposing the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and LGBT+ equality. While the Muslim community is portrayed at the forefront of opposing these lessons, letters were also sent by some Conservative Christians and Birmingham has only been the epicentre of these volcanic protests. Schools in other cities included Bradford, Bristol, Croydon, Ealing, Manchester, Northampton and Nottingham and Kent.

“I know many Muslims both straight and members of the LGBT+ community who are comfortable with the LGBT+ issues and their religion. The same is true for some Christians, where some believe that it is against their religion as opposed to others.

“The reality that we are dealing with is that it is their [individual's] choice and how they decide to intepret their sacred books and religion,” Sue continued.

Heightened tensions: “Damien Hinds has issued sanctions from his ivory tower”

Ofsted has backed the 'No Outsiders' programme, with its chief inspector Amanda Spielman stating that all children must learn about same-sex couples regardless of their religious backgrounds. A report released by Ofsted also highlighted that there was no evidence to indicate that these lessons were not taught in an age-appropriate manner. Despite protests, however, the Department of Education has issued that the lessons about relationships will become compulsory from September 2020.

“Education Secretary Damian Hinds has done nothing to help this situation. Instead has heightened tensions by laying down sanctions from his ivory tower without even understanding all the issues at play. For those who don’t know Birmingham very well these areas are some of, if not the most deprived areas in Birmingham. The main concern for most of the parents of children at these schools is making sure that there’s food on the table.

“Throughout this saga, this Tory government has not been strong enough in its guidance, leaving grey areas open for debate that create more challenges for already stretched teachers like Sarah and Andrew. At the same time we then have Labour MPs like Roger Godsiff who appear to be complicit in inciting hate. Let’s not also forget that it’s not all parents that hold these views,” concluded Saima.

SEEDS will be presenting an Equality Charter which will be created alongside parents from all communities, teachers, Unions MPS, MEPS and Councillors alike. The idea for the charter came from the National Education Union.

LGBT+ Muslim activists from Imaan, the Naz & Matt Foundation, and SEEDS headed Birmingham's Pride Parade along with Andrew Moffat.


Box quote:

“All my life when I was at school, I had nothing but heterosexuality presented to me and that didn't affect me. The concept that something being taught will have an impact on your views is highly problematic,” Sue Sanders.

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