A total number 232 businesses representing every part of the country and a range of sectors have been recognised by Her Majesty The Queen on her birthday as among the best in UK. Awards have been won in the categories of International Trade (141 winners), Innovation (51), Sustainable Development (31) and Promoting Opportunity (9).
The awards were created following the recommendation of a committee chaired by His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh in 1965. The first awards, originally known as The Queen’s Awards to Industry, were made the following year. Winners’ awards are valid for 5 years. Winners are permitted to fly The Queen’s Awards flag at their main office and use the emblem on their marketing materials. Winners are also given a Grant of Appointment (an official certificate) and a commemorative crystal trophy. Her Majesty’s Lord
Lieutenants will be presenting the Awards to businesses locally throughout the year.
Eligible businesses are free to apply for one or more categories. The winners pass an assessment
process, judged by senior officials in Whitehall and experts from industry, academia and the third sector. On that basis, the winners of The Queen’s awards are recommended by the Prime
Minister to Her Majesty The Queen. Applications for the 2023 Queen’s Awards for Enterprise will open on 1 May 2022 and businesses are encouraged to apply.